What Are The Different Kinds Of Veneers?

The application of veneers is an extremely common and durable cosmetic dental surgery. If your teeth are chipped, discolored, gapped, stained, or misaligned, veneers can make them appear healthier and more attractive.

Veneers Adelaide are a great option for people who have suffered damage to their teeth or want to improve the appearance of their smile. Take a look at the available options below.

Veneer Styles

Veneers are wafer-thin, custom-made coverings made of synthetic materials bonded to the teeth’ front surface. Veneers, which may improve the appearance of your teeth while giving a variety of extra benefits, are comprised of tooth-colored material and come in two different varieties. Veneers are also known as porcelain laminates.

Veneers In Porcelain

Porcelain veneers are the most common choice for increased durability; they may last up to 25 years. In most situations, these treatments are reserved for more significant tooth discoloration or deformity.

Porcelain veneers are fabricated by first taking an impression of the tooth, which serves as a mold, and then cutting out a very thin slice of the tooth’s structure. After they have been fabricated in the laboratory, a further dental appointment will be arranged for the patient. They are meticulously crafted in terms of form, color, and size to produce a remarkably realistic look in the mouth, making it frequently difficult to differentiate them from actual teeth. The use of a three-dimensional printing process accomplishes this. As further evidence, they even reflect natural light in the same way that your real teeth do.

On the other hand, given the permanent nature of porcelain veneers, it is only possible to repair them by leaving visible fracture evidence. Consequently, it is often better to create a new one, even though this may be expensive.

Veneers Of Composite Resin

There is also a less expensive option to porcelain veneers known as composite resin veneers. These veneers are also affixed to the front surface of your teeth, but instead of using a tooth-colored substance, they use a material composed of plastic or resin. They are also less costly than traditional veneers. On the other hand, composite resin veneers disintegrate with time.

The primary selling points of composite resin veneers are their speed and affordability, as well as the fact that they may be placed in a single appointment at the dentist’s office. In many cases, this is a more convenient alternative to the two visits required for porcelain veneers.

Suppose you only need a temporary covering while investigating alternative options or are simply not ready to make the financial or other investment. In that case, composite resin veneers can be more tempting than other veneers.

Looking After Veneers

 Even though they are made of synthetic materials, veneers require the same level of upkeep as natural teeth. Your regular oral care routine should still include brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once a day.

The tannins in coffee and tea do not penetrate the veneers, making them resistant and preventing discoloration. On the other hand, drinking an excessive amount of these beverages, as well as fizzy drinks and alcohol, might cause the bonding agent that is used to hold your veneers in place to degrade. The long-term discoloration is another possibility; it typically appears on the edges of the veneer, where it touches the tooth.