What Is Mobile Speech Therapy?

Our mobile speech therapy service delivers high-quality, expert speech therapy services to homes, pre-schools and primary schools, as well as childcare centres, kindergartens and high schools across Sydney.

Home visiting Speech Therapists are professionals who will visit your home and have all the necessary equipment to perform a thorough assessment and provide ongoing therapy for children.

Mobile Speech Therapy Service:

Our speech therapists on the move will begin by conducting a comprehensive Speech Therapy assessment. This will give you detailed information about the best strategies and treatments to maximize learning and growth.

Our mobile Speech Therapy team visits schools and homes to provide exceptional care and support to participants in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). To ensure high-quality services, our speech therapists work closely with parents, caregivers, support workers, coordinators, and other stakeholders.

Our mobile speech therapy team can make recommendations about the appropriate equipment, including assistive devices like iPods or laptops that may aid growth and learning.

Are Mobile Speech Therapists Allowed To Enter My Child’s School?

Time is critical when working with children.

Our mobile speech therapist works with children to implement a systematic and coordinated approach to address their goals. They also work closely with families, schools, preschools, and childcare centers to ensure that therapy continues daily.

There may be documentation and procedural requirements before you can enter school. Most schools are welcoming and open to mobile speech therapists.

Here’s A Little More About Mobile Speech Therapy:

Our mobile speech therapy team can assist with many speech and language disorders, including:

Fluency Disorders. This describes speech patterns that affect the flow, speed, nature, and rhythm of speech. Fluency disorders include Stuttering and Cluttering. Stuttering is a condition that makes it difficult for someone to make a sound. They may have difficulty speaking, may have trouble understanding speech, and may be unable to understand the meaning of words. People with cluttering speak fast and often combine words.

Articulation Disorders. An articulation disorder refers to the inability or difficulty with certain word sounds being formed. This speech disorder can cause a child to drop, swap, distort or add words and sounds. Distorting a word could be described as saying “this” rather than “this”.

Resonance Disorders. A resonance disorder is a condition in which the voice quality and frequency are affected by a blockage of airflow. This can also occur if the velopharyngeal valvule doesn’t close correctly.

Receptive Disorder. Someone with a receptive language disorder has difficulty understanding and processing the words of others. This can make you seem disinterested in what someone else is saying, have difficulty following directions or have a limited vocabulary. A receptive language disorder can also be caused by hearing loss, autism, or head injuries.

Expression Disorders. This is a condition that makes it difficult to express or convey information. An expressive disorder can cause problems with the ability to form correct sentences. For example, incorrect verb tense. This condition is often associated with developmental impairments such as Down syndrome or hearing loss.